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Thanks to the focus and commitment of our top management team, C.banner developed rapidly and established the leading position in the mid-to-premium women’s footwear industry in China.

The board of directors comprises four executive directors, one non-executive directors and three independent non-executive directors. The board has established the audit committee, the nomination committee and the remuneration committee, to oversee the company's different categories of affairs.

Executive Directors


Mr.Chen Yixi

Mr. Chen Yixi (陳奕熙), is the Chairman and an executive Director of the Company. Mr. Chen founded Nanjing May flower Footwear Corporation(南京美麗華鞋業有限公司) ("Mayflower Footwear") in 1995 and is a co-founderof the Group. Mr. Chen is responsible for charting the business strategy of the Group and has played a determining role in establishing the Group's presence in the PRC women's footwear industry. Mr. Chen was honored by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and the People's Government of Nanjing as an Outstanding Entrepreneur of Non-State-owned Companies (優秀民營企業家) and is currently the Vice Chairman of Nanjing Federation of Industry & Commerce (南京市工商業聯合會)and Vice President of Nanjing Enterprise Directors Association (南京市企業家協會). Mr. Chen graduated from Nanjing Normal University witha Bachelor's Degree in News Propagation in 1988 and obtained a Master of Business Administration Degree from Cheung Kong Graduate Schoolof Business in 2007. He served with The Publicity and Promotions Department in Jiangsu Province Government from 1988 to 1995 before cofounding Mayflower Footwear with other partners.

Mr. Yuan Zhenhua

Mr. Yuan Zhenhua (袁振華), is an executive Director and the president of the Company. He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2005. Mr. Yuan is currently a non-practicing member of the PRC Certified Public Accountant Association. From 2005 to 2015, he held various positions in the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, Nanjing Branch, including being senior manager of the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, Nanjing Branch.

Mr. Wu Weiming

Mr. Wu Weiming (吳維明), is an executive Director and the vice president of the Company Mr. Wu joined the Company in 2000, and is currently responsible for the retail operations of the Company. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Wu had served with Shenzhen Zhen Xing Footwear Company (深圳珍兴鞋业公司) since 1997 and was the general manager of East China Branch of the company when he left the company in 2000.

Mr. Zhang Baojun

Mr. Zhang Baojun(張寶軍), is an executive Director and chief financial officer of the Company. He joined the Company in 2001. He previously served as the accounting manager, deputy director and director of the financial management centre of the Company. Mr. Zhang holds a bachelor's degree in management and is a PRC accountant and tax advisor.

Non-executive Director


Ms. Cheng Xuanxuan

Ms. Cheng Xuanxuan ( 程璇璇), was appointed as a non-executive Director in March 2024. Ms. Cheng obtained a Master of Professional Accounting degree from Monash University, Australia in 2008. She gained extensive experience in corporate management, finance and audit, strategic planning as well as financial management, advisory and planning from working in both Australia and China from 2008 to 2014. In 2014, Ms. Cheng established her own investment vehicle, engaging in various investment ventures since then. Her experience and knowledge made her a seasoned investor proficient in both identifying promising business opportunities and navigating the complexities of trading in equity and debt instruments. Ms. Cheng has not been a director of any other listed company in the three years immediately preceding the date of this annual report.

Independent non-executive Directors


Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson

Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson (鄺偉信), is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Kwong has been appointed as an executive director of China Metal Resources Utilization Limited, a manufacturer of recycled copper products in China and a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with effect from 16 August 2013. He is also an independent non-executive director of Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited, China Outfitters Holdings Limited and China New Higher Education Group Limited, all of which are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Kwong graduated from Cambridge University, England with a Degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1987 and is currently an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Kwong, who previously worked at a number of investment banks in Hong Kong, has over 10 years of experience in corporate finance and equity capital markets in Asia. From 2002 to 2003, Mr. Kwong was the head of equity capital markets for Cazenove Asia Limited. From 2004 to 2006, he was a managing director of investment banking and head of Hong Kong and China equity capital market of CLSA Equity Capital Markets Limited. From 2008 to August 2013, he was the President of Gushan Environmental Energy Limited, a leading biodiesel and related products producer in China formerly listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Mr. Xu Chengming

Mr. Xu Chengming, is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Xu previously acted as an independent non-executive Director of the Group for the period from 26 August 2011 to 28 January 2014. Mr. Xu served as the president of Nanjing Xiaozhuang College (南京曉莊學院) from June 2014 to May 2020. Mr. Xu was the vice president of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (南京財經大學) from August 2005 to June 2014, primarily responsible for the undergraduate teaching and international cooperation. In addition, Mr. Xu is currently the vice chairman of China Society of Quantitative Economics (中國數量經濟學會), the executive director of China World Economy (中國世界經濟學會) and the vice president of Jiangsu Institute of International Finance (江蘇國際金融學會). Mr. Xu graduated from the Anhui Institute of Education (安徽教育學院), currently known as Hefei Normal University (合肥師範學院), with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics in 1984 and from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大學) with a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics in 1988. Mr. Xu further obtained his Doctor’s Degree in Economics from Fudan University (復旦大學) in 2001. Mr. Xu started his career in Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (南京財經大學) in 1994 as the dean assistant of Investment Economics and Statistics department and was promoted to the head officer of the Office of Academic Affairs in 1998, the head of Banking and Finance Department in 2000 and the dean of the School of Finance in 2003.

Mr. Zheng Hongliang

Mr. Zheng Hongliang(鄭紅亮),is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. He is currently a professor of the Institute of Economics Chinese Academy of Social Science ( 中國社會科學院經濟研究所). Mr. Zheng is also the executive vice-editor-in-chief of editorial office of Economic Research Journal (« 經濟研究»), which is a PRC journal in economic theory research published by the Institute of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Science. Mr. Zheng's field ofresearch mainly covers the areas in respect of microeconomics, comparative study of corporate system,theory of corporate governance, and revolution of state enterprises. Mr. Zheng graduated from theDepartment of Economic of Renmin University of China with a Master Degree in 1987. Mr. Zheng iscurrently an independent non-executive director of Asian Capital Resources (Holdings) Limited (StockCode: 8025), a company listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.